
Ashtead cares about the Environment

What is clear about the residents of Ashtead is that they are passionate about their protecting the integrity of their village and its environment. The national issues which concern those living in the village cover issues such as building on the Green Belt, where the Tory Government has forced local authorities such as Mole Valley, to identify tracts of land that would be made over to bricks and mortar, such as that area lying to the East of Ashtead around Ermyn Way. Such threats are now receding thanks to the concern of residents and the Liberal Democrats decision bring to a stop such developments locally. Like the residents of Leatherhead, those living in Ashtead have made clear their concerns about the scandal that is the discharge of sewage into the River Mole – one of the most polluted waterways in England. The Liberal Democrats intend to take action to stop the use of our waterways as part time open sewers.

News from Ashtead